Advisor. Strategist. Speaker. Focused on the needs related to sound & branding.
«When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time listening to jazz records with my dad – it was “our thing”. And then, at some point there was always that that sparkling moment when a certain passage hit us both at the same time – and left us with a mutual feeling that made us feel deeply connected.
So, the real superpower of “Sound”? Its ability to create an emotional, nonverbal bonding between people, generations and cultures. That’s what drives me. Day in, day out.»
References lectures: EACD Summit, University of Zurich, ZHAW, Events from Swisscom, Goldbach, Voice Meet-up, Department of Noise and Credit Suisse.
References corporate: 20 Minuten, Assura, Bank Cler, Dow Packaging, Energie 360°, Groupe Mutuel, ifolor, maxon, Migros, NeoVac, Pro Senectute, Sunrise, Swisscom, Swissgrid, SRF, Schweiz Tourismus, VP Bank, ZHAW, Zürcher Kantonalbank.
References artists: Bligg, Caroline Chevin, Celtic Frost, Marc Sway, Seven, Andreas Vollenweider etc.