The exhibition ‘Insektensterben – Alles wird gut’ of the Natural History Museum of Bern, which has been running since the 03.11.2023, features an 8-meter wall screen, with a 20-minute loop video of instects’ lives within a day. As an audio designer for this project, I made foley to give the insects presence, created ambiences for each scene and sound effects for any other movement and phenomenon of the film. Additionally I created subtle melodies from the same recordings used as foley, in order to create an inconspicuous musicality for the film.

Additionally, I made soundscapes for 5 different thematic compartments within the exhibition.

Finally, I destructively processed a recording from the entrance video. The harsh sonic effects (as well as the visual ones) blend into the original dry signal more and more as the visitor walks closer to the entrance of the exhibition, ending up to warm noise (similar to pink noise).

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