Jonathan Ho
Jonathan Ho
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Jonathan Ho is a Creative Technologist and entrepreneur who stands at the forefront of digital innovation in the media sector. His career began in the virtual reality world of Los Angeles, where he developed innovative VR narratives at WITHIN. Through his work in virtual and augmented reality, he recognized the potential of technology to fundamentally shape and enhance the way we tell stories.

After earning his bachelor’s degree in International Relations with a focus on Global Business and Cinematic Arts from the University of Southern California, he deepened his technical expertise with a master’s degree in Creative Technologies at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. There, he dedicated himself to virtual production and the integration of Artificial Intelligence into creative processes.

As the founder of the AI software startup Wavery, Jonathan has built an innovative company that specializes in advanced AI-supported audio search egnines and workflows, including transcription technologies, specifically designed for the needs of filmmakers and audio professionals. Through his work, he demonstrates how technological innovations not only support media production but also significantly change the way we tell stories. He shows that technology and storytelling are inextricably linked and that technical innovations can profoundly improve and enrich our stories.


AI, Post Production, Sound Design, Software

Currently working at

AI, Software
Berlin, Germany