The client’s assignment was the search for and production of „The Sound of Usedom“ in order to tonally identify a whole destination. The tourism association of baltic island Usedom is breaking fresh grounds with this measure. In order to implement the demands of the client, a workshop with four highly regarded music authors was held on the island. The image of the destination and its „corporate“ identity was analyzed and translated into the tonal characteristics of the island.
The next step was to identify a Top10 list of the regarding attributes, to be used as a foundation for the creative brief, which was sent to potential authors and producers in the BENDIT networks. Meanwhile a corresponding workshop on the island was planned to enable the chosen artists to get inspired on site and produce the regarding sounds. Thus, having additional press coverage of the actual event, chances were, that extra awareness would be risen. During the course of the event, a certain amount of layouts were produced by the single teams and anonymously received by the client for his decision. The implementation of the chosen sound logo as well as the ongoing development of more corporate sounds will take part in 2015 onwards.