BrandMusiq collaborated with Lenovo India and The Glitch to create a unique series of ‘Music Balms’ to address the mental state of people across the country throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, especially during the second wave. Our music balms provided a moment of respite amidst the constant stream of anxiety-inducing news.
During India’s second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the nation suffered from feelings of fear, anger, despair, and loneliness due to the isolation and anxiety caused by the spread of the virus. Lenovo wished to demonstrate their empathy to their customers without appearing to be capitalising on a sensitive situation. The idea was to create a series of ‘Music Balms’; a playlist from Lenovo, designed as an antidote to the negative feelings amongst the Target Audience.
Using our unique process that combines the science of sound and the art of music, we composed three tracks, using specific scales and harmonies to elicit a positive response. Viewers/listeners on social media were invited to ‘stop scrolling, take a minute, and breathe in positivity’. These tracks appeared on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and India’s most popular music streaming service, Gaana. We aimed to recognise the importance of addressing the mental well-being of the Lenovo audience with a renewed sense of brand responsibility.